You've got your health in your pocket. Literally.

At home, on your way to work, on vacation, in the morning or in the evening - your general practitioner is always there for you. 7 days a week. Download the free application and join the patients of Jutro.

An amazing solution! I received a prescription in an instant! And everything was settled through a chat!


  • 4.8

    App Store reviews

    rating item <p>App Store reviews</p>
  • 95%

    Received help in 15 minutes

    rating item <p>Received help in 15 minutes</p>
  • 4.9


    rating item <p>Patient’s<br>satisfaction</p>
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    Everything at your fingertips

    Consultations, e-prescriptions, test results and much more in one app. Everything at your fingertips, whenever you want.

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    Contacting people,
    not bots

    Real problems require real help. Here, you will always contact our qualified medical team.

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    and intuitiveness

    Less means more. It is impossible to get lost in our application. You will always find what you are looking for.

Just tell us what
you need

The "Consultations" tab is your point of contact with the medical team. Send a message and our assistants and doctors will quickly provide you the help you need!


Good morning, I've been feeling really tired for a few weeks now and every time I eat something, I have a stomach ache. I really need some medical advice :(

7 February, 8:43


(E-) prescriptions for
a better order

Convenient, clear and without fear of losing anything. In the "My health" tab, you will find all e-prescriptions issued by doctors, as well as e-referrals and e-medical leave slip notes.


E-prescription access code


Your PESEL number



Tests without problems? That's our standard!

You will always find all ordered tests and, if necessary, pay for them in the "Examination cart". Their results will appear no later than the next day in the "My health" tab.


There are some new items in the examination cart. You will find the details below.

ECG test

Go to the examination cart


Check out how Jutro Medical works

You deserve the best free healthcare. Our application will not only make it easier for you to contact your doctor,
but it will also make taking care of your health a pure pleasure!


Jutro Medical is a breath of fresh air in Polish medicine. Every patient will get professional service!

Aleksandra Najda

Jutro Medical is an example of what a proper clinic should be like! No queues, no waiting, no unnecessary fuss. Our time and health are the most important here.

Alicja Dopierała

I started with a collaboration, and now I know that I will come back to Jutro Medical whenever necessary. I don't want to go anywhere else anymore - this is the best recommendation.

Ewa Kowalewska

It's a modern clinic, which is definitely different from the clinics I used to go to. Apart from that, the entire staff made a really good impression on me- everyone was kind and had a great attitude towards the patient.

Julia Żylonis

The consultation was swift and there were no queues. Doctor Justyna is a very kind person, she gave me a referral for some tests I should get done. A perfect futuristic clinic!

Malwina Przybylska

I was positively surpirsed from the very beginning. Amazing interior, positive attitude and, most importantly, a competent doctor, who answered all of my questions.

Marlena Niciejewska

We will be with you in sickness and in health

At Jutro Medical, you are under constant care of our medical team, in sickness and in health. We monitor your health to prevent diseases before they develop and we give you practical tips on prevention.


Better tomorrow
at your fingertips

All our services were designed with your comfort in mind. You won't be losing any more prescriptions, nor will you forget about an appointment. You also won't be waiting in queues to consult your doctor. With the Jutro Medical application you can finally take care of your health in a simple and convenient way.

telefon z aplikacją jutro medical

Everyone deserves
the best medical care

Jutro Medical is a safe and accessible place for everyone. We do not underestimate your problems. You can be sure that we will listen to you and take care of your health and well-being. Because everyone deserves the best medical care. Without additional costs.


Our services are free of charge thanks to our
collaboration with the National Health Fund  

How to become a patient of Jutro Medical?

  • icon-pobierz-aplikacje.svg

    Download the app

    Download the free Jutro Medical app from Google Play or App Store and create an account.

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    Fill in the declaration

    Choose the method of declaring your choice of a Primary Healthcare practitioner and nurse.

  • icon-porozmawiaj-z-lekarzem.svg

    Consult your doctor

    Write a message in the chat and make a free appointment - telemedical or at the clinic.

    Frequently asked questions

    • How can I make an appointment in the treatment room?

      Each of the paths available on our application will redirect you to the "Examination cart" tab, where you can (possibly) pay for examinations and make an appointment at our treatment room. In the "My health" tab, under the list of ordered tests, you will find the "Make an appointment" button directly in the chat in the "Consultations" tab, by clicking on an e-referral from a doctor, you can go straight to making an appointment at a treatment room. Go to the "Examination cart" tab, which also includes the examinations you were referred to and follow instructions on the screen.

    • How can I make an appointment for an online consultation?

      Just click on the 'Make an appointment' button on the app's home screen and select the reason you want to contact our medical team!

    • What can I find in the "My health" tab?

      The "My Health" tab contains the history of your treatment. On the timeline, you will find the history of all your appointments - both, at the clinic and telemedical, along with all issued e-prescriptions, e-referrals, e-medical leave slip notes and test results. To make it easier for you to find what you need, you can also use the "Event type" and "Appointment type" filters at the top of the tab.

    • What can I do in the "Consultations" tab?

      The "Consultations" tab is where you can contact the medical team of Jutro Medical or pick the time of your medical appointment.

    • Where can I find my prescriptions?

      Go to the "My Health" tab, click on the "Event type" list, and then select "Prescription". All prescriptions issued by our medical team will appear on the screen.

    • How to register in the app?

      You can create your account and file the declaration immediately after installing the application. When creating an account, it is necessary to provide your own phone number, e-mail address and accept the Terms and Conditions of Jutro Medical. Then, your phone number will be verified by entering the code you will receive via SMS. 

      If you manage to successfully create an account in our application, you can proceed to the submission of the declaration! You can submit the declaration in person at the Jutro Medical clinic or remotely via ePUAP, so you don't even have to leave your home!

Find out more

A modern and functional medical app is a solution that provides a number of amenities that can be easily used by any patient in need of help.


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    Medical records
    at your fingertips

    Functionality in the context of a modern mobile application has many meanings. In the case of Jutro Medical - we focus not only on the availability of our application in the most popular points such as Google Play, but also on priority access to patient information from the phone.

    Using the Jutro Medical application, you can easily check medical records, which in turn allows you to carefully track the history of the disease.
    The doctor also has access to all information on treatment, which significantly facilitates his work, guaranteeing the patient an even higher standard of treatment. It is worth noting that the Jutro Medical mobile application guarantees health care as part of Primary Healthcare - completely free of charge.

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    Medical application under
    the National Health Fund

    A doctor's office in the form of an application? It is possible! Thanks to the contract with the National Health Fund based on the agreement concluded between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Digitization regarding the e-Health program - at Jutro Medical we offer access to specialist doctors via a dedicated mobile application.

    The medical application available on the smartphone allows you to bypass many problems that plague modern health care - including tiring queues. Seeing a doctor has never been easier; thanks to the app, patients can get help they need without leaving the comfort of their home, without the need to waste time on the journey to get to the doctor or queues common at traditional clinics.

    However, Jutro Medical is not only an application. It also includes modern clinics with physical facilities that can be visited in Poland, for example at Powązkowska 44 street in Warsaw.

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    eHealth - diagnostics and treatment of the future

    Bureaucracy in the tasks assigned to doctors is a disadvantage of the modern health care system, which is also the cause of inconvenience for the patients. Electronic medical documentation, the possibility of issuing e-medical leave slip notes,
    e-prescriptions and e-referrals is a solution guaranteed by modern medical applications, thanks to which the doctor does not have to spend so much time filling in the forms; instead, this time can be fully devoted to the patient.

    This is one of the reasons why diagnostics and treatment using the Jutro Medical application are so simple - constant access to
    a doctor at your fingertips allows you to seek advice, consult test results, use the capabilities of smartphones to easily visualize many symptoms bothering the patient, which in turn guarantees high-quality diagnostics and effective treatment without leaving your home.

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    Medical application - fast
    medical help

    Oftentimes, the disease appears suddenly - it is impossible to predict the necessity to seek medical attention. In such cases, the medical application is the perfect solution. At Jutro Medical, the possibility of consulting a doctor does not require registration for distant dates - access to a family doctor and internist is possible even in 15 minutes!

    This is a great solution for patients whose situation requires a priority approach. Thanks to the instant response, medical care from the level of the mobile application serves well, for example, in the case of a "morning after" pill. At Jutro Medical you can obtain an e-prescription for emergency contraception quickly and hassle-free.


Find out what health care of the future looks like

We take your well-being seriously. We will not only help you manage your medical problems, but also equip you with the knowledge and advice you need to make positive changes for your health.

A healthy dose of information

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